NEW! Artist Statement

    I am inspired and intrigued by classical Renaissance and Greco-roman paintings, their beautiful rendering is fascinating to me. I am also inspired by fantasy and science fiction book covers and the novels themselves. I love comics, and their art as well as video game concept art. It was Japanese manga that inspired me to become an artist in seventh grade. Of course I had a talent and love for art before then, but ever since then I really had a passion for comics. From that point until about eleventh grade I collected a large amount of graphic novels.
      Later, I discovered video games, and saved up all of my money to purchase a Play Station 2 shortly after its release. I would spend all night playing video games with the lights out and the TV on mute so my parents wouldn’t know. Recently, I started looking into the concept art behind the games that I loved so much. From character design to scenery, I found myself enamored with the beautiful concept paintings.
     I also love to create realistic paintings, with powerful light playing against dark, with mysterious and dramatic narratives. I work in a variety of media, whatever I think suits the piece best. I love to challenge myself with my projects, for better or worse, I am notorious for biting off more than I can chew usually with a fantastic, if not prolonged, result.